After 6 years of ptotracted negotiations, the Government of Botswana and De Beers Group formally announced that, the two partners have signed the formal new agreements for a 10-year Sales Agreement.
Vice President and Finance Minister Ndaba Gaolathe used his maiden budget presentation to reaffirm the newly elected Umbrella for Democratic Change(UDC) Government’s commitment to earning the trust and faith of Batswana in public office bearers.
The Minister of Labour and Home Affairs Pius Mokgware said there is no reason that companies earning profits in excess of P500million annually could not pay a minimum wage of P4,000 monthly.
Botswana Post has launched the innovative Post4Health initiative ensuring that essential medicines, vaccines, and medical supplies reach all corners of the country—particularly our most underserved communities officials have revealed.
The Bank of Botswana has announced the revision of the prevailing Pula currency basket weights of 45% for the South African rand and 55% for the Special Drawing Right (SDR) comprising the US dollar, Euro, British Pound, Japanese Yen and Chinese Renminbi.
The Chairman of SADC and President of Zimbabwe, His Excellency Dr Emmerson Mnangagwa, received the SADC headquarters building from Bongwe Investments on behalf of the SADC secretariat in Gaborone, Botswana. He also received 19 hectares of land from the Botswana government, for the building of other SADC building infrastructure.
ABSA hosted a “Women’s Entrepreneurship” workshop at “Travel Lodge” in Block 8, Gaborone, Botswana, designed to assist entrepreneurs to improve their skills in business in order to bolster their financial assets and profitability.
The Annual Fairscape Carols by Candlelight event, held at the Fairscape Precinct, , brought together Fairscape tenants, corporate partners, and guests to celebrate the festive season with a spirit of unity and giving. The event, now in its 6th instalment, was marked by the warmth of community, the beauty of song, and a strong call to action for social responsibility.
The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Bank of Botswana maintained the Monetary Policy Rate (MoPR) at 1.9 percent but reduced the Primary Reserve Requirement (PRR) from 2.5 percent to 0 percent.
The Minister of Trade and Entrepreneurship has revealed that the serious nature of allegations of sabotage and impropriety at the Citizen Entrepreneurship Development Agency(CEDA) compelled him to instigate a forensic audit of the Financial Development Institution(FDI).
On the 26th and 27th November African Exchange Linkages Project (AELP) held a conference. AELP is a brain child of ASEA and the African Development Bank. Similarly to ASEA, it strives to promote the flow of capital throughout Africa and to provide a safe regulatory environment for companies.
Botswana hosted the 27th African Security Exchanges Association (ASEA) annual conference, which is the apex body for security exchange bodies in Africa.
The Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) just took office but Monday afternoon protestors gathered en masse and vociferously demanded action against corruption.