1st May 2020

 Own Correspondent

 The Government of Botswana has issued legislation that makes it compulsory to wear masks/face coverings in public places, businesses and common areas of residential buildings from 1 May 2020.

Classes of masks/coverings deemed acceptable are:

  1. Medical masks – These are used primarily by health workers and persons working in high risk areas.
    2. Non-Medical – cloth face mask or home-made item that covers the nose and mouth or another appropriate item that covers the nose and mouth when in a public place.

 Due to the scarcity of medical masks, the Government advises the public to buy or make their own non-medical masks, whilst medical masks be reserved for healthcare workers and persons working in high risk areas.

 During the state of public emergency, a trader shall not sell surgical masks to individuals who have not proved to the traders that they are:

(a) in the medical profession;
(b) health workers;
(c) handling clinical waste; or
(d) involved in COVID-19-related activities.

It is important for public to remember that when someone coughs or sneezes, they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain the virus. If you are too close to someone, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID19 virus, if the person coughing or sneezing has the disease.

Therefore, the use of masks/face coverings is critical and effective when used in combination with specified personal hygiene practices and social distancing.


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